Saturday, 29 June 2013

Na Na Nananana Tangle Teezer

(Title has to be sung as in "na na nananana afrocircus" the newish Madagascar...with the zebra ...and the wig ok sorry... slopes off out the back door...)

So while we are on the subject of hair I just had to mention what is possibly my best buy ever.

 The Tangle Teezer. 

Granted having someone raving about a Tangle Teezer is nothing new, but there is a reason for this.  They are FREAKIN’ AWESOME!!! Seriously.

As I have mentioned in my previous post, I am a curly.  When I was my hair and leave it to its own devices I resemble Helena Bonham Carter, which is awesome if you Helena Bonham Carter and can afford to wear Vivienne Westwood and are married to Tim Burton.  I sadly am not.  I kind of need my hair to be vaguely manageable.  I’m not fussy, just being able to put it in a neat bun for work is all I ask.  Every other brush/comb/fork (hey it works for Ariel!) either rags my hair into a splintered mess or just gets plain stuck.  Neither is ideal.  However the Tangle Teezer merely laughs in the face of my tangled bird’s nest of a Barnet and effortlessly glides through my hair as if it were the mane of a My Little Pony toy called Cupcake. 

They are also excellent for backcombing and creating the much beloved Patsy Stone beehive, in the dark days of pre Tangle Teezer for me sporting a beehive meant accessorising with comb matted into the bump, which isn’t necessarily the look I was going for.

They also come in some fabulously camp colours… purple sparkle, gimmee.  Be warned once siblings/nieces/nephews/friends/boyfriends clock yours it will go missing. 

Anyway I could go on and on about the wonder of the Tangle Teezer but nothing will prove my point more so than these pictures.  
FYI I am available for ad campaigns.

Now run along and get thyself a Tangle Teezer then brush and brush and brush and brush your hair.  please feel free to sing whilst doing so, in fact i actually encourage it, and if you can surround yourself with small, chirpy animals thats all the better. 
Go have your Rapunzel moment xxx

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